Scientific Programme 2024

Thursday, 24th October 2024

8:00 — 08:30


8:45 – 9:45

Session 1 — Swiss Young Surgeons Session

Johanna Willburger

Pitfalls in Lichtenstein and Shouldice
Rebecca Kraus (Switzerland)

Teaching in TAPP / TEP
David Lourie (USA)

Teaching open sublay and TAR
Sean Orenstein (USA)

9:45 – 10:45

Session 2 — Hernia surgery of the future

Andrea Pakula
Guillaume Passot

Role of robots in future hernia surgery – Isan Ihnan (Switzerland)

Which techniques are here to stay, which will die – Maarten Simons (Netherlands)

Outpatient hernia surgery in private practice: present & future – Martin Wiese (Germany)



10:45 – 11:15

Coffee Break

11:15 – 12:15

Session 3 — Important UpDates

Mette Willaume
Jan Kukleta

Best three hernia papers in 2024: my choice
Nadia Henriksen (Denmark)

Real World Data from registries
Ferdinand Köckerling (Germany)

Guidelines in a nutshell
Cesare Stabilini (Italy)


12:15 – 12:45

Lunch Break

12:45 – 13:30

Industry Sponsored Session

Henry Hoffmann


13:30 – 14:00

Best Video Award

Moderation & Jury: Jonathan Douissard, Björn Mück

Top three videos

14:00 – 15:00

Session 4 — Grand Round
Hernia prevention and prehabilitation

Henry Hoffmann
Philipp Kirchhoff

Rebecca Kraus, Marteen Simons, Bernhard Dauser (Podium)

Input Talk: Reality check on hernia prevention and perioperative optimizing strategies
Rene Fortelny (Austria)


15:00 – 15:30


Coffee Break

SAHC Annual Meeting (Members only)


15:30– 16:30

Session 5 — UpDate on MIS Ventral Hernia Repair

Perparim Limani
Jan Kukleta

I still love my lap IPOM
Walter Brunner (Switzerland)

eTEP – nothing else
Hector Valenzuela (Mexico)

MILOS: Experiment or established?
Ralf Wilke (Germany)

16:30 – 17:30

Session 6 — When the shit hits the fan

Marc Olivier Sauvaign
Hector Valenzuela

Case 1 — Martin Wiese (Germany)

Case 2 — Björn Mück (Germany)

Case 3 — Bernhard Dauser (Austria)


17:30 – 18:00

Keynote lecture: Bullshit resistance – a guide to critical thinking

Philipp Hübl (Germany)


Networking Event

Friday, 25th October 2024

8:00 — 08.30


8:30 – 10:00

Deferred Live Surgery – Ventral hernia repair

Rene Fortelny
Dietmar Eucker

Robotic TAR
Jonathan Douissard (Switzerland)

Subcostal and infraxyphoidal hernia
David Lourie (USA)

Parastomal hernia repair
Marc Olivier Sauvaign (Switzerland)



10:00 – 10:30

Coffee Break

10:30 – 12:00

Deferred Live Surgery — Inguinal Hernia Repair

Nadia Henriksen
Walter Brunner

Robotic TAPP
David Lourie (USA)

Open Lichtenstein
Johanna Willburger (Switzerland)

Inguinal neurectomy in CPIP
Jan Kukleta (Switzerland)



12:00 – 12:30

Lunch Break

12:30 – 13:15

Industry Sponsored Session

Henry Hoffmann


13:15 – 14:15

Session 7 — Clinical decision making

Ferdinand Köckerling
Ralf Wilke

Small asymptomatic contralateral inguinal hernia: operate or leave it alone?
Perparim Limani (Switzerland)

Diastasis recti: which technique?
Guillaume Passot (France)

Diagnostic pathway on chronic postoperative inguinal pain (CPIP)
Sean Orenstein

14:15 – 14:45

Coffee Break

14:45 – 15:45


 Philipp Kirchhoff

Case 1 – Henry Hoffmann (Switzerland)
Case 2 – Fiorenzo Angehrn (Switzerland)
Case 3 – Dietmar Eucker (Switzerland)

Switzerland: Dietmar Eucker, Jan Kukleta
Europe: Marteen Simons, Bernhard Dauser
America: Hector Valenzuela, Sean Orenstein

15:45 – 16:45

Session 8 – The Special Hernia Case

Sean Orenstein
Cesare Stabilini

Operating on a colleague
Uli Dietz (Switzerland)

Dealing with multiple recurrences
Mette Willaume (Denmark)

The untreatable hernia
Andrea Pakula (USA)




Announcement Winner «Industry Rally»


Calendar File Swiss Hernia Days