Video Award 2024

Swiss Hernia Days Video Award
With the Swiss Hernia Days Video Award we want to encourage young surgeons to submit their hernia surgery videos recorded during their daily practice. The main goal of the videos is to focus on the indication, the key steps of the procedure and the difficulties which the surgeons must overcome during the procedure. The recorded hernia operations can be tricky cases but also straight forward cases with a good educational content. To learn from each other is of utmost importance.
All videos will be reviewed by an international panel of three hernia experts, who will all be present on the congress. The top three ranked videos will be shown during the Swiss Hernia Days Video Award Session (Thursday, 24TH October 2024, 13.30—14.00) followed by a short discussion of the cases. The video surgeons are expected to be in the audience to participate in the discussion and to comment on their video, and in order to receive their award.
The prize money is
1000 CHF for the 1ST place
750 CHF for the 2ND place
500 CHF for the 3RD place
and will be handed out by the panel on stage.
- The recorded hernia procedure must have been mainly performed by the sending / presenting surgeon.
- The video should be edited to a maximum length of 10 minutes.
- All Video Award applicants must register for the Swiss Hernia Days congress (free for junior or trainee surgeons) to be present during the session
- Application deadline is 15TH October 2024