Dr. med. Fiorenzo Angehrn
Dr. med. Walter Brunner
Senior physician, Department of Surgery, Cantonal Hospital of St. Gallen, Switzerland
Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons FRCS
Honorary Fellow of the European Board of Surgeons FEBS (Minimal Invasive Surgery; Abdominal Wall Surgery)
Executive Board Member SAHC
PD Dr. Bernhard Dauser
Head of Surgical Department, Hospital of the Brothers of Mercy, Vienna, Austria
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Dietz
Head of Surgical Department, Cantonal Hospital Olten (Switzerland)
Executive Board Member of Swiss-MIS (Swiss Minimally Invasive Surgery)
Executive Board Member of SAHC (Swiss Association of Hernia Surgery)
Dr. Jonathan Douissard
Senior clinical fellow in intestinal failure and abdominal reconstructive surgery
Lennard Jones Intestinal Failure Unit, St. Mark’s Hospital, London, UK
Abdominal Surgery Division, Geneva University Hospital, Geneva, CH
Dr. Dietmar Eucker
Senior physician
Dep. f. General and Visceral Surgery
Center of Reference for Hernia Surgery
Kantonsspital Baselland (Switzerland)
F.E.B.S. Abdominal Wall Surgery
Prof. Dr. René Fortelny
Past President of the Austrian Hernia Society (AHC),
Head of Surgical Department Wilhelminen-Hospital, Vienna (Austria)
Dr. Nadia A. Henriksen
University of Copenhagen, Denmark
PD Dr. Henry Hoffmann
ZweiChirurgen GmbH,
Merian Iselin Klinik, Basel (Switzerland)
Executive Board Member of SAHS (Swiss Association of Hernia Surgery)
Ihsan Inan, MD FACS
MD FMH (Swiss Board) Specialist Surgeon in Robotic General and Visceral (Digestive) Surgery at Clinique Générale Beaulieu
Prof. Dr. Philipp Kirchhoff
ZweiChirurgen GmbH,
Merian Iselin Klinik, Basel (Switzerland)
Board member of SAHC (Swiss Association of Hernia Surgery)
Executive Board Member of Swiss-MIS (Swiss Minimally Invasive Surgery)
Prof. Dr. Ferdinand Köckerling
Head of Surgical Department
Vivantes Hospital Berlin-Spandau, Berlin (Germany)
President of the Deutsche Herniengesellschaft (DHG)
Executive Board Member European Hernia Society
Dr. Jan F. Kukleta
President of the Swiss Working Group in Hernia Surgery (SAHC),
Senior Surgical Consultant Hirslanden Clinic, Zurich (Switzerland)
Dr. Björn Mück
Oberarzt der Klinik für Allgemein-, Viszeral-, Thorax- und Kinderchirurgie
Leiter Hernienzentrum Kempten – Allgäu
Sean B. Orenstein, MD, FACS
Associate Professor of Surgery
Director, OHSU Hernia & Abdominal Wall Center
Division of Gastrointestinal and General Surgery, Portland, Oregon (USA)
Andrea Pakula MD, MPH, FACS
Medical Director of Robotic Surgery
General, Bariatric, and Hernia Surgery
Trauma, Critical Care and Acute Care Surgery
Pr Guillaume Passot
PD Dr. Marc-Olivier Sauvain
Médecin chef de service
Chargé de cours UNIL
Spécialiste FMH en chirurgie et chirurgie viscérale
Réseau hospitalier neuchâtelois
Dr. Hector Valenzuela
Guadalajara (Mexico)
Dr. Martin Wiese
Gesundheitszentrum Kelkheim, Germany
Executive Member German Hernia Society
Dr. med. Mette Willaume
Consultant at Digestive Disease Center, surgical dept.
Zealand University Hospital, Køge