Organising Committee

Prof Dr. med. Philipp Kirchhoff

Prof Dr. med. Philipp Kirchhoff is a consultant surgeon in private practice ZweiChirurgen in Basel, Switzerland.

He was a consultant surgeon at the department of general and visceral surgery at the University Hospital Basel, Switzerland. He studied medicine at the Universities of Freiburg (Germany), Vienna (Austria) and Yale (United States of America) between 1996-2003.

Philipp Kirchhoff started his surgical career in 2003 at the University Hospital Zurich, Switzerland. (more…)




PD Dr. med. Henry Hoffmann

PD Dr. med. Henry Hoffmann is a consultant surgeon in private practice ZweiChirurgen in Basel, Switzerland. Born in 1977 he studied medicine between 1998 – 2005 at the University of Leipzig (Germany) and L’Aquila (Italy).

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