PD Dr. med. Henry Hoffmann

PD Dr. med. Henry Hoffmann is a consultant surgeon in private practice ZweiChirurgen in Basel, Switzerland. Born in 1977 he studied medicine between 1998 – 2005 at the University of Leipzig (Germany) and L’Aquila (Italy).

After gaining general surgical board certification in 2011 he conducted a clinical Fellowship at the Frimley Park Hospital (Frimley, Surrey, UK) in 2011/2012, where he was trained in colorectal, upper-GI and minimal invasive hernia surgery. From 2013—2018 he was staff surgeon at the clinic for general and visceral surgery at the University Hospital Basel and has lead several clinical programs, such as the implementation of the WHO surgical safety checklist, the application of the Enhanced Recovery after Surgery (ERAS) protocol and the quality improvement program in hernia surgery.
His main clinical interest is the minimally-invasive hernia surgery and the treatment of large ventral hernias. Henry Hoffmann is reviewer several international surgical journals and member of national and international surgical societies, such as SAHC, SGC, SGVC, DHG and EHS.

Together with his colleague PD Dr. med. Philipp Kirchhoff he is the founder of the Swiss Hernia Days.

Calendar File Swiss Hernia Days