Dr. med. Fiorenzo Angehrn

The SWISS HERNIA DAYS are known for a unique and innovative congress concept. Therefore, in 2024 we will provide the 4TH SWISS HERNIA DAYS ANATOMICAL WORKSHOP. The Anatomical Workshop will take place prior to the main congress at the 23th October 2024 at the Anatomical Institute of the University Basel and focusses on extraperitoneal minimally invasive techniques in ventral hernia repair.
Registration to the Anatomical Workshop is only possible together with a congress registration and limited to 28 participants.
The Programme
There are many sponsorship opportunities by which companies can support the 7TH SWISS HERNIA DAYS. The sponsors may compile their individual sponsorship packages in order to reach the requested sponsorship level. However, sponsorship is not restricted to major packages; companies may also take up sponsorship of one of the individual sponsorship items. Get in touch with us to receive more information.
Swiss Hernia Days are compliant to MedTech Europe Code of ethical business practice
c/o minyoubis GmbH
Laufenstrasse 39
CH-4053 Basel
Information on the registration process will follow soon!

Salzburg Hernia Days
Zum zweiten Mal finden am 21. – 22. März die Österreichischen Hernientage in Salzburg statt. Anknüpfend an die bewährten und erfolgreichen Salzburger Hernientage möchte dieses Format nun die Österreichische Gesellschaft für Hernien-Chirurgie weiterentwickeln und als DEN Kongress für Hernien-Chirurgie in Österreich etablieren.
Es erwartet Sie ein spannendes Programm mit den beiden Hauptthemen:
— ezidivhernienchirurgie – eine Domäne für Experten!
— Prävention – das Schlagwort der Zukunft!
Endorsed by EHS
The Swiss Hernia Days are endorsed by the European Hernia Society, a non-profit making international scientific forum that focuses on ABDOMINAL WALL SURGERY.
8:30 – 08:45
8:45 – 9:00
Welcome and Introduction
Philipp Kirchhoff and Henry Hoffmann
9:00 – 9:20
Anatomy of the groin
David Lourie (USA)
9:20 – 9:40
The perfect Lichtenstein technique
Martin Wiese (Germany)
9:40 – 10:00
Jan Kukleta (Switzerland)
10:00 – 10:30
Coffee Break
10:50 – 11:10
Hector Valenzuela (Mexico)
11:10 – 11:30
Component separation techniques
11:30 – 12:30
Lunch Break
12:30 — 17:00
Practical exercises on cadavers with table instruction by the experts
- Lichtenstein
- MILOS and eTEP
- PUMP Technique sponsored by Cousin & Rey Medical
- Open Sublay
- Open TAR

Thursday, 24th October 2024
8:00 — 08:30
8:45 – 9:45
Session 1 — Swiss Young Surgeons Session

Johanna Willburger
Hellen Birsner
Pitfalls in Lichtenstein and Shouldice
Rebecca Kraus (Switzerland)
Teaching in TAPP / TEP
David Lourie (USA)
Teaching open sublay and TAR
Sean Orenstein (USA)
9:45 – 10:45
Session 2 — Hernia surgery of the future

Andrea Pakula
Guillaume Passot
Role of robots in future hernia surgery
Ihsan Ihnan (Switzerland)
Which techniques are here to stay, which will die
Maarten Simons (Netherlands)
Outpatient hernia surgery in private practice: present & future
Martin Wiese (Germany)
10:45 – 11:15
Coffee Break
11:15 – 12:15
Session 3 — Important UpDates

Best three hernia papers in 2024: my choice
Nadia Henriksen (Denmark)
Real World Data from registries
Ferdinand Köckerling (Germany)
Guidelines in a nutshell
Cesare Stabilini (Italy)
12:15 – 12:45
Lunch Break
12:45 – 13:30
Get ready for the Hernia transformation
Lunch Symposium — BD
13:30 – 14:30
Session 4 — Grand Round
Hernia prevention and prehabilitation

Henry Hoffmann
Philipp Kirchhoff
Rebecca Kraus, Marteen Simons, Bernhard Dauser (Podium)
Input Talk: Reality check on hernia prevention and perioperative optimizing strategies
Rene Fortelny (Austria)
14:30 – 15:00
Industry Symposium — TelaBio
PSH: Is it time to leave Sugarbaker & Synthetics and move to (modified) Pauli & Ovitex?
Bob Bloemendaal (Netherlands)
Next level RTM TAPP —can we do better?
Thomas Mones (Germany)
15:30– 16:30
Session 5 — UpDate on MIS Ventral Hernia Repair
I still love my lap IPOM
Walter Brunner (Switzerland)
eTEP – nothing else
Hector Valenzuela (Mexico)
MILOS: Experiment or established?
Ralf Wilke (Germany)
16:30 – 17:30
Session 6 — When the shit hits the fan
Marc Olivier Sauvaign
Hector Valenzuela
Case 1 — Martin Wiese (Germany)
Case 2 — Björn Mück (Germany)
Case 3 — Bernhard Dauser (Austria)
17:30 – 18:00
Keynote lecture: Bullshit resistance – a guide to critical thinking
Friday, 25th October 2024
8:00 — 08.30
8:30 – 10:00
Deferred Live Surgery – Ventral hernia repair
Robotic TAR
Jonathan Douissard (Switzerland)
Subcostal and infraxyphoidal hernia
David Lourie (USA)
Parastomal hernia repair
Marc Olivier Sauvaign (Switzerland)
12:00 – 12:30